Lions International 325 'D'

Featured Product



Target Group


District Cabinet Officers’ Schooling

All Cabinet Officers


Training of LLI Local

DG, VDGs, CS, CT, and Administrator


Club Officers’ Schooling

Club PVST team


Zone/Region/Area Workshop

Zone, Region, Area, and Chief Area


Training on Lions Portal and Reporting

PVST, and Cabinet officers


Training on Lions Learning Center

All Interested Lions


Orientation for New Members

All New Lions


Leo Symposium



Family and Women Symposium

All Lady Lions


Specialty Club Seminar

Possible Lions Group


Global Action Team (GAT) Conclave

Lion Leaders


District Lions Leadership Institute (DLLI)

Club President / VP / District Chairperson


Regional Lions Leadership Institute (RLLI)

Emerging Lion Leaders


Advanced Lions Leadership Institute (ALLI)

Senior Lions Leaders


Faculty Development Institute (FDI)

Senior Lions Leaders


Lions Certified Instructor Program (LCIP)

Senior Lions Leaders

Fellowship Program

The Fellowship Program aims to foster camaraderie and promote a healthy lifestyle among Lions members through various recreational and sporting events. The planned activities include:

Cycling for Health Program: A day-long cycling event open to both Lions and non-Lions, promoting health and fitness.

Changa Chet Program: A competition inviting participation from all clubs and Lions, encouraging engagement and friendly competition.

Cricket Tournament: A cricket tournament exclusively for Lions, enhancing team spirit and sportsmanship.

Futsal Tournament: A futsal tournament for clubs within the district, fostering inter-club relationships.

Nature Walks: Short hiking trips designed for Lions members to build strong bonds while enjoying nature.

These events are intended to strengthen the fellowship among members, promote physical well-being, and enhance the sense of community within the District.

आदरणीय लायन साथीहरु,
हार्दिक नमस्कार ।
सम्पूणि मानव जातिको कल्याण र सेवामा समितपि तिश्वकै सविश्रेष्ठ सामातजक संस्थामा मैले २७
वर्ि अति सन १९९८ साल देखी लायन्स क्लि अफ काठमाडौं जोरपाटीको सदस्यिाट
लायतनज्मको यात्रा शुरु गरेको तथएँ । क्लि प्रेतसडेन्ट, जोन चेयरपसिन, ररजन चेयरपसिन, एररया
हँदै क्यातिनेट रिजरर र ित्पश्चाि तडतिक्टका तितिन्न अन्य महत्वपूणि तजम्मेवारीमा रतह यस
संस्थाको सेवा गने अवसरहरु मलाई प्राप्त िए । अग्रज लायन तलडरज्यूहरु र सम्पूणि लायन
साथीहरुको साथ, सहयोग, माया र हौसलाले यस लायन वर्ि २०२४–२०२५ मा तडतिक्ट
गिनिरमा तनवाितचि गराई तडतिक्टको नेिृत्व गने सुअवसर िथा तजम्मेवारी ददनु िएको छ जसका
लागी म मेरो ह्रदयको अन्िस्करण देखी हार्दिक आिार सतहि कृ िज्ञिा ब्यक्त गनि चाहन्छु ।
समाजसेवी मनहरु तमल्नु पदिछ, सिैलाई समान अवसर, समान व्यवहार र सहकायिको थालनी गदै
यस तडतिक्टलाई सिैको साझा िरको रुपमा अति िढाउने मेरो शिप्रयास रहने प्रतिवद्धिा ब्यक्त
गदिछु । हामी लायन्सहरु आफु िन्दा कम क्षमिावान, कम िाग्यशाली, सेवा र सहयोगको
आवश्यकिा िएका ब्यतक्तहरु प्रति जाि, धमि, तलङ्ग, िुगोल िन्दा मातथ उठी तनस्वाथि सेवा
िावले जहाँ आवश्यकिा त्यहाँ लायन्स िन्ने मूलमन्त्रमा समातहि िई काम गनुि पदिछ िन्ने मान्यिा
राख्दछौं । म मेरो कायिकालमा हाम्रा यी मान्यिाहरुलाई व्यवहारमा उिानि थप प्रयास गने
प्रतििद्धिा ब्यक्त गदै, सामातजक काममा लाग्न आफु ले आफै लाई तवश्वास गरौ िन्ने नाराका साथ
उतिएको छु । सिै लायन साथीहरु संग मैले यस वर्ि प्रस्िुि गरेका तिर्यहरुमा यहाँहरुको साथ
सहयोग र सदिावको अपेक्षा सतहि आ–आफ्नो तजम्मेवारी अनुसारको काम कििब्य तनवािह गरी
ददनुहन तिनम्र अनुरोध गदिछु ।
काठमाडौं देतख पूविको िेह्थुम सम्म फै तलएको यस तडतिक्टको अतधकांश िूिाग तहमाल र पहाडले
ओगटेका छन् । गुणस्िररय तशक्षा, स्वास््य, पोर्णयुक्त खाना र कमजोर आर्थिक अवस्थाको कारण
यस क्षेत्रमा थप सेवाका कायिक्रमहरु आवश्यक रहेको छ । िैपरी आउने प्राकृ तिक तिपद्हरुको
सामना गनि िोगौतलक तिकटिाका कारण अझ चुनौतिपूणि रहेको छ । िसथि हामीले गने सेवाका
कायिक्रमहरुलाई थप प्रिावकारी िनाउँदै लतक्षि समुह, क्षेत्रहरु तनधािरण गरी सोही अनुसार
कायिक्रम आयोजना गनि, पूवि ियारी गनि र तिर्ेशिः िि्–िि् स्थानहरुमा लायन्स क्लिहरुको
तिस्िार र सदस्यहरुको िृतद्ध गरर सेवाका हािहरु िढाउन म यहाँहरु समक्ष हार्दिक आव्हान गनि
चाहन्छु ।
युवाहरुले स्थातनयस्िरमा तशक्षा, स्वास््य, िौतिक सुतिधा, र अवसर नपाउँदा िथा सुनौलो
ितवष्यको खोजीमा गाउँिाट शहर र शहरिाट तिदेश पलायन हने क्रम िढ्दो छ । तिदेतशन नसक्ने

असक्त, कमजोर आर्थिक िएकाहरु, रोगी, िालिातलका, जेष्ठ नागररकहरु झन समस्यामा रहेका
छन् । तिर्ेशिः जेष्ठ नागररकहरुलाई स्वास््य र िालिातलकाहरुलाई तशक्षा मात्र सहज उपलब्ध
हँदा पतन धेरै समस्याहरु हल हन सक्छन्, िसथि आवश्यकिाको आधारमा लायन्सका तितिन्न
पररयोजनाहरु माफि ि स्थातनय सरकार र सरोकारवालाहरु संग सहकायि गदै त्यस्िा क्षेत्रहरुमा
लायन्सका प्रोजेक्टहरु ल्याई यथोतचि थप सेवा र सहयोग गनि पतन म सिै क्लिहरु िथा लायन्स
साथीहरुलाई हार्दिक अनुरोध गदिछु ।
तनराशा र अन्यौलिालाई धैयििा र आत्मतिश्वासले तजत्न सक्नु पछि, त्यसको शुरुवाि आफै िाट गनुि
पछि िन्ने सोचका साथ मैले यस वर्ि अतियानको रुपमा आफै लाई तिश्वास गरौं (Believe in
Yourself) िन्ने तथम अगाडी िढाएको छु । असम्िवलाई सम्िव िनाउन सदकन्छ िन्ने सोचका
साथ म स्वयं र यहाँहरु प्रति पतन तिश्वस्ि छु । आउनुहोस हामी सिै एकिद्ध िई हािेमालो गरी
१०७ वर्िको इतिहास िोके को हाम्रो यस गररमामय संस्थालाई थप मजिुि िनाउँदै मानतवय
सेवामा समर्पिि हन सवैमा हार्दिक अतपल गदिछु ।
धन्यवाद ।
जय लायनवाद ।
लायन सुरेन्द प्रकाश िालाय
तडतिक्ट गिनिर


Lion Surendra Balay

Health Camp at Salinadi Mela- We will organize a month long health camp during the salinadi mela at Sankhu, which attracts          more than 2 million visitors. This event will not only provide essential health services but also showcase our dedication to community  welfare. 

Temple Cleaning Program at Gokerneshwor Temple- The day after Kushe Aaunshi, when approximately 1 million people visit the Gokarneshwor Temple. We will conduct a temple cleaning program. This activity will involve maximum number of clubs and members, all wearing Lions Service jacket, to demonstrate our unity and enhance our branding. It will also help strengthen our relationships with other social organizations and local government.

Contribution and Impact Awards

The Contribution and Impact Awards celebrate significant financial contributions and impactful service activities:

LCIF Contribution: Recognizes varying levels of financial support to the Lions Clubs International Foundation, from partial contributions to major donations (MJF/PMJF).

Contribution and Impact Awards

NLF Contribution: 

Honors substantial contributions to the National Lions Foundation, with specific awards for different contribution levels.

Lions Clubs International Brand Guidelines

The Lions Clubs International emblem (A) has been refreshed to represent the contemporary and evolving character of the organization today while celebrating its history and international renown. Subtle updates have modernized the emblem and greatly improved its legibility and reproducibility.

A full-color emblem (B) has been created for use at the club level. Usage should be limited to embroidered patches and other club supplies items. It should never be used in print or digital applications

Global Cause

Global Cause

We provide support for the needs of children and families affected by childhood cancer.

We work to reduce the prevalence of diabetes and improve quality of life for those living with diabetes.

We take steps to meet immediate needs and provide long-term support for communities devastated by natural disasters.

We find ways to protect the environment to create healthier communities and a more sustainable world.

We identify the world’s most crucial needs and provide humanitarian aid where it’s needed most.

We strive to improve food security and access to nutritious food to help alleviate hunger.

We help prevent avoidable blindness and improve quality of life for people who are blind or visually impaired

We support young people so they can make positive choices, lead healthy and productive lives, and become the next generation of service leaders.

Subscribe now and receive free updates for lifetime.

Lions and Leos make a difference every day, everywhere we serve. And with the support of our international association and our global foundation, we are changing lives, communities and the world we share.

Summer Tour 2025
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Traktar Stadium – Minsk
Feb 15, 2025
10:30 PM

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ClubMelvin Jones Fellow MJF
Highest PMJFMost
Current -
Budhanilakantha Sagittarius(139060)Babu Ram Khatri (333886)06/24/2005
Dingla Bhojpur(60085)Uttar Chapagain (472023)06/30/2005
Dingla Bhojpur(60085)Khagendra Sitaula (477406)02/06/2004PMJF - 6 Blue Sapphire YG06/30/2009
Dingla Bhojpur(60085)Indira Sitaula (1847548)04/02/2009PMJF - 1 Diamond YG11/06/2009
Dolakha(51652)Temba Lama (2576227)07/26/2017
Dolakha(51652)Muktiman Rajbhandari (1398749)02/06/1996
Kapan Horizon(142223)Saroj Dhital (5377707)01/26/2024
Kathmandu Aankhijhyal(104165)Binod Ojha (2929492)04/12/2023
Kathmandu Akarshan(151309)Shailendra Kumar Jain (3835485)10/09/2020
Kathmandu Apex World(99937)Purna Chandra Pradhan (2076160)09/26/2011
Kathmandu Basuki(131791)Deepak Basnet (5945762)06/30/2023
Kathmandu Basuki(131791)Ramesh Rijal (3678354)12/08/2022
Kathmandu Battisputali(153549)Shishir Tandon (5661519)02/11/2022
Kathmandu Bindas(156228)Bhintuna Shrestha Malla (3960784)03/30/2021
Kathmandu Corporate Nepal(133123)Kishor Prasad Bhattarai (3677348)10/24/2016
Kathmandu Corporate Nepal(133123)Shanker Prasad Ghimire (4789725)06/07/2022
Kathmandu Corporate Nepal(133123)Dinesh Rai (4792471)03/25/2020
Kathmandu Corporate Nepal(133123)Dr Archan Shumsher Rana (4889747)02/11/2022
Kathmandu Creative Women(98845)Shobha Gurung (2636083)09/09/2016
Kathmandu Creative Women(98845)Sulagna Kansakar (2636082)06/11/2019
Kathmandu Creative Women(98845)Kadam Sobha Kansakar (2636090)01/29/2016
Kathmandu Creative Women(98845)Kalpana Rai (4237122)06/18/2019
Kathmandu Danfe(109456)Mahesh Acharya (3272810)04/06/2018
Kathmandu Darpan(135799)Sunita Shrestha (5369652)new
Kathmandu Gagan(147088)Govinda Dhungel (4666575)new
Kathmandu Gagan(147088)Ishwor Ghimire (4668881)new
Kathmandu Gauravshali(129280)Rajendra Sharma (3600652)03/20/2019
Kathmandu Gokarneshwor(60064)Prakash Lama (638676)04/22/2010
Kathmandu Gokarneshwor(60064)Pramod Satyal (2875340)11/13/2009
Kathmandu Gokarneshwor(60064)Pema Chhiri Sherpa (2950718)06/28/2019
Kathmandu Gokarneshwor(60064)Bishnu Bhai Shrestha (644052)10/24/2011PMJF - 2 Diamond YG03/29/2023
Kathmandu Gokarneshwor(60064)Dhruba Kumar Shrestha (2875335)05/19/2016
Kathmandu Gokarneshwor(60064)Dharma Sharan Shrestha (2875341)10/03/2018
Kathmandu Gokarneshwor(60064)Purna Bahadur Tamang (4538176)01/26/2021
Kathmandu Gokarneshwor(60064)Bimal Aryal (2875345)new
Kathmandu Green World(125005)Bal Bahadur Shrestha (4308234)03/16/2016
Kathmandu Helping Hearts(151013)Dolma Sherpa (5397128)06/17/2024
Kathmandu Helping Hearts(151013)Wongchhu Sherpa (6295877)new
Kathmandu Helping Hearts(151013)Gita Achhami (4082230)new
Kathmandu Himalayas(119923)Sujan Kumar Shrestha (1165671)02/13/2014
Kathmandu Indrasarowor(153048)Sunil Shrestha (5701045)04/11/2023
Kathmandu Infinity(137406)Madhu Sudan Sigdel (3568539)02/01/2017
Kathmandu Infinity(137406)Janardan Timilsina (5086378)03/29/2023
Kathmandu Jorpati(57925)Surendra Prakash Balay (370156)04/14/2015PMJF - 1 Diamond YG2/7/2020
Kathmandu Jorpati(57925)Deepak Kumar Bhandari (375527)03/08/2023
Kathmandu Jorpati(57925)Deepak Chapagain (3678353)08/22/2018
Kathmandu Jorpati(57925)Homa Kanta Chaulagain (2647481)07/22/2016
Kathmandu Jorpati(57925)Rajesh Kishor Shrestha (2886569)01/19/2022
Kathmandu Jorpati(57925)Kumar Raj Subedi (380919)03/31/2014
Kathmandu Jorpati(57925)Kamala Subedi (4058274)11/01/2016
Kathmandu Kalika(100341)Kalyan Kumar Adhikari (3731340)09/12/2017
Kathmandu Kalika(100341)Navaraj Bastola (627932)09/12/2017
Kathmandu Kalika(100341)Nabin Chaulagain (4244289)09/12/2017PMJF - 1 Diamond YG3/24/2022
Kathmandu Kalika(100341)Sanju Gurung (4313940)09/12/2017
Kathmandu Kalika(100341)Pramod Koirala (3879117)09/12/2017
Kathmandu Kalika(100341)Shivaram Lamsal (4463097)09/12/2017
Kathmandu Kalika(100341)Nisha Jha Sharma (4464175)09/12/2017
Kathmandu Kalika(100341)Padam Narayan Tripathi (4503697)09/12/2017
Kathmandu Laligurans(66780)Kamal Chaudhary (3601816)03/25/2016
Kathmandu Laligurans(66780)Hari Krishna Dangol (3111530)04/23/2014
Kathmandu Laligurans(66780)Sunil Dhanuka (2052715)04/01/2013
Kathmandu Laligurans(66780)Anil Man Maharjan (3111531)04/01/2014
Kathmandu Laligurans(66780)Prakash Maharjan (3600629)05/18/2016
Kathmandu Laligurans(66780)Savitri Rajbhandari (503317)04/22/2005PMJF - 1 Diamond YG1/27/2016
Kathmandu Laligurans(66780)Bhagwat Shrestha (503319)05/18/2016
Kathmandu Laligurans(66780)Jitendra K Shrestha (503320)12/28/2015
Kathmandu Laligurans(66780)Sunil B Shrestha (2052717)09/01/2009PMJF - 1 Diamond YG1/27/2016
Kathmandu Laligurans(66780)Bikash Krishna Shrestha (2703531)04/23/2014
Kathmandu Laligurans(66780)Arun Lal Shrestha (2973355)05/12/2017
Kathmandu Laligurans(66780)Gautam Das Shrestha (2977074)05/18/2016
Kathmandu Laligurans(66780)Purna Lal Shrestha (3229894)02/02/2016
Kathmandu Mahankal(61068)Biswo Ram Gorkhali (1053222)11/28/2005
Kathmandu Mahankal(61068)Nirmala Gorkhali (1053223)10/30/2009
Kathmandu Makalbari(132657)Bishnu Prasad Lamichhane (4721410)02/01/2021
Kathmandu Manahara(128266)Rajendra Dulal (4438008)09/14/2016
Kathmandu Manahara(128266)Pramod Phuyal (4272733)09/14/2016
Kathmandu Manahara(128266)Meera Pudasaini (4479977)02/08/2024
Kathmandu Manahara(128266)Shyam Pd Rupakheti (4275960)01/17/2018
Kathmandu Manahara(128266)Ramhari Sapkota (4314718)09/29/2016
Kathmandu Manahara(128266)Ishwor Prasad Sapkota (4479953)05/02/2017
Kathmandu Manahara(128266)Kusal Thapa (4479984)08/16/2019
Kathmandu Manahara(128266)Rishikesh Pudasaini (4438025)new
Kathmandu Melvin Jones(98263)Devi Prasad Bhaittachan (2603309)04/24/2007
Kathmandu Melvin Jones(98263)Gobinda Bahadur Bhandari (2603301)04/24/2007
Kathmandu Melvin Jones(98263)Basanta Kumar Bhattachan (4327067)12/21/2016
Kathmandu Melvin Jones(98263)Kamala Bhattarai (2342108)04/24/2007
Kathmandu Melvin Jones(98263)Chandra Prasad Dhakal (2603299)04/24/2007
Kathmandu Melvin Jones(98263)Binod Gauchan (4327066)02/19/2016
Kathmandu Melvin Jones(98263)Arati Gauchan Shrestha (4551512)12/06/2017
Kathmandu Melvin Jones(98263)Heman Sing Gurung (4106018)03/04/2015
Kathmandu Melvin Jones(98263)Pitamber Gurung (4870323)06/20/2019
Kathmandu Melvin Jones(98263)Bikash Gurung (5226608)09/13/2019
Kathmandu Melvin Jones(98263)Pandab Gurung (4328233)01/05/2017
Kathmandu Melvin Jones(98263)Yog Raj Kandel Sharma (4327610)02/19/2016
Kathmandu Melvin Jones(98263)Man Singh Karki (2603297)04/24/2007
Kathmandu Melvin Jones(98263)Pradeep Kumar Karki (2603298)04/24/2007
Kathmandu Melvin Jones(98263)Lal Prasad Sanwa Limbu (2355534)04/24/2007
Kathmandu Melvin Jones(98263)Madan Kumar Mahat (2603302)04/24/2007PMJF - 1 Diamond YG6/11/2019
Kathmandu Melvin Jones(98263)Bhaskar Raj Panta (2603303)04/24/2007
Kathmandu Melvin Jones(98263)Bhim Roka (2603300)04/24/2007
Kathmandu Melvin Jones(98263)Rima Sapkota (4005336)09/16/2014
Kathmandu Melvin Jones(98263)Ajay K Satyal (2603306)04/24/2007
Kathmandu Melvin Jones(98263)Fahim Shah (2603296)04/24/2007
Kathmandu Melvin Jones(98263)Ambika Sharma (1068373)09/20/2005PMJF - 2 Diamond YG8/23/2007
Kathmandu Melvin Jones(98263)Rajendra Sherchan (2603295)04/24/2007
Kathmandu Melvin Jones(98263)Bhim Prasad Sherchan (2603304)04/24/2007
Kathmandu Melvin Jones(98263)Arjun Sherchan (4106017)03/04/2015
Kathmandu Melvin Jones(98263)Krishna Shrestha (2603294)04/24/2007
Kathmandu Melvin Jones(98263)Dinesh Bhakta Shrestha (2603307)04/24/2007
Kathmandu Melvin Jones(98263)Subash Shrestha (4327065)09/07/2016
Kathmandu Melvin Jones(98263)Bal Bahadur Tamang (2603305)04/24/2007
Kathmandu Melvin Jones(98263)Ramji Upadhyay (2603308)04/24/2007PMJF - 1 Diamond YG1/27/2016
Kathmandu Melvin Jones(98263)Hansha Raj Wagle (2603310)04/24/2007
Kathmandu Melvin Jones(98263)Chhatra Raj Ojha (6159085)new
Kathmandu Melvin Jones(98263)Dilip Kumar Thapa (26785505)new
Kathmandu Mount Everest(61605)A P Mainali (332035)06/12/2006
Kathmandu Mount Gaurishankar(10656Sudarshan Acharya Nlf (2017964)02/05/2021
Kathmandu Mount Makalu(63244)Mohan Pd Sharma Lamsal (2787008)12/16/2021
Kathmandu Mount Makalu(63244)Ram Bahadur Shrestha (1117555)11/05/2002
Kathmandu Padhmashree(136978)Bhim Prasad Rokaya (5741009)11/30/2023
Kathmandu Rising Sun(89374)Shreedhar Bhandari (3139158)03/20/2024
Kathmandu Rising Sun(89374)Ramesh Kumar Lama (2422303)09/12/2017PMJF - 1 Diamond YG5/23/2024
Kathmandu Royal Himalayan(147071)Bhishma Ray (Bheshraj)-Pmjf (5181283)06/01/2023PMJF - 1 Diamond YGnew
Kathmandu Sewa(77965)Binita Pant (1885362)10/30/2009
Kathmandu Sharing Hearts(100098)Sushila Shrestha (503322)10/30/2009
Kathmandu Simrik(111664)Rakesh Maharjan (4117849)01/25/2019
Kathmandu Simrik(111664)Ashish Shrestha (3783840)02/01/2017
Kathmandu Simrik(111664)Bal Krishna Shrestha (4117861)06/30/2021
Kathmandu Skill Development(131773)Dhan Pd Lamichhane (2509311)08/09/2016
Kathmandu Skill Development(131773)Bijay Lama (5298020)new
Kathmandu Sukunda(61553)Raman M Baniya (746037)12/08/2008
Kathmandu Sukunda(61553)Tek B Engden (751416)03/15/2004
Kathmandu Sukunda(61553)Uttam Raj Kayastha (751417)11/12/2002PMJF - 1 Diamond YG1/3/2013
Kathmandu Sukunda(61553)Punam Pradhan (751423)02/20/2009
Kathmandu Sukunda(61553)Birendra Prakash Shrestha (1961560)03/20/2020
Kathmandu Sukunda(61553)Lalit Jung Lalchan (1961559)new
Kathmandu Third Eye(142013)Rajendra Koirala (4746627)02/09/2021
Kathmandu Udyamsheel(157414)Man Kumari Pun (6356475)new
Kathmandu(26071)Parmeshwar Lal Agarwal (311865)10/19/1990
Kathmandu(26071)Poonam Chand Agrawal (311866)11/19/1991
Kathmandu(26071)M D Agrawal (317231)10/19/1990
Kathmandu(26071)Om Prakash Agrawal (317233)09/11/1997
Kathmandu(26071)Maheswar Raj Baidya (317234)09/11/1997
Kathmandu(26071)Jyoti Kumar Begani (317235)09/06/1990
Kathmandu(26071)Ratan Kumar Dhurka (317240)06/07/1993
Kathmandu(26071)Navaraj Ghimire (317242)11/08/2007PMJF - 1 Diamond YG6/30/2017
Kathmandu(26071)Hulaschand Golchha (322608)09/06/1990PMJF - 2 Diamond YG7/7/1997
Kathmandu(26071)Umesh C. Jain (2242298)06/16/1978
Kathmandu(26071)K B Kayal (322611)11/08/2002
Kathmandu(26071)Naresh Khadka (4619814)11/14/2022
Kathmandu(26071)Manish Kumar Khemka (4835625)09/27/2023PMJF - 1 Diamond YG5/29/2014
Kathmandu(26071)M. A. Lari (2299201)06/16/1978
Kathmandu(26071)Charles Mendies (2242300)06/07/1989PMJF - 1 Diamond YG6/29/1989
Kathmandu(26071)Jiwan Lal Piya (327984)06/08/1993
Kathmandu(26071)Yantar Mani Pradhan (327985)11/14/1990
Kathmandu(26071)Suman Pudasaini (2722545)09/27/2016
Kathmandu(26071)Satya Pal Sachdeva (327990)12/22/1993
Kathmandu(26071)Ranjan Singh Shah (327994)11/02/2007
Kathmandu(26071)Surendra Shakya (3257739)08/06/2018
Kathmandu(26071)Anjani Kumar Sharma (333359)03/10/1994
Kathmandu(26071)Keshab Lochan Sharma (4704205)05/29/2024
Kathmandu(26071)Shyam Bahadur Shrestha (4370105)11/21/2017
Kathmandu(26071)Bimala Shrestha Piya (5663880)06/30/2023
Kathmandu(26071)Kavindra Nath Thakur (333367)11/09/1995PMJF - 1 Diamond YG11/4/2002
Kathmandu(26071)Govinda Pd Gautam (4968147)new
Sankhu(108259)Yubananda Bajracharya (3196303)11/28/2016
Sankhu(108259)Prem Prakash Prajapati (3196460)06/18/2019
Sankhu(108259)Tulsi Bahadur Shreekhanda Shrestha (3196425)08/08/2019
Sankhu(108259)Labakumar Shrestha (3196307)01/29/2016
Sindhupalchok(125760)Thakur Pd Tiwari (4237237)12/01/2016
ClubMelvin Jones Fellow MJF
Highest PMJFMost
Current -
Budhanilakantha Sagittarius(139060)Babu Ram Khatri (333886)06/24/2005
Dingla Bhojpur(60085)Uttar Chapagain (472023)06/30/2005
Dingla Bhojpur(60085)Khagendra Sitaula (477406)02/06/2004PMJF - 6 Blue Sapphire YG06/30/2009
Dingla Bhojpur(60085)Indira Sitaula (1847548)04/02/2009PMJF - 1 Diamond YG11/06/2009
Dolakha(51652)Temba Lama (2576227)07/26/2017
Dolakha(51652)Muktiman Rajbhandari (1398749)02/06/1996
Kapan Horizon(142223)Saroj Dhital (5377707)01/26/2024
Kathmandu Aankhijhyal(104165)Binod Ojha (2929492)04/12/2023
Kathmandu Akarshan(151309)Shailendra Kumar Jain (3835485)10/09/2020
Kathmandu Apex World(99937)Purna Chandra Pradhan (2076160)09/26/2011
Kathmandu Basuki(131791)Deepak Basnet (5945762)06/30/2023
Kathmandu Basuki(131791)Ramesh Rijal (3678354)12/08/2022
Kathmandu Battisputali(153549)Shishir Tandon (5661519)02/11/2022
Kathmandu Bindas(156228)Bhintuna Shrestha Malla (3960784)03/30/2021
Kathmandu Corporate Nepal(133123)Kishor Prasad Bhattarai (3677348)10/24/2016
Kathmandu Corporate Nepal(133123)Shanker Prasad Ghimire (4789725)06/07/2022
Kathmandu Corporate Nepal(133123)Dinesh Rai (4792471)03/25/2020
Kathmandu Corporate Nepal(133123)Dr Archan Shumsher Rana (4889747)02/11/2022
Kathmandu Creative Women(98845)Shobha Gurung (2636083)09/09/2016
Kathmandu Creative Women(98845)Sulagna Kansakar (2636082)06/11/2019
Kathmandu Creative Women(98845)Kadam Sobha Kansakar (2636090)01/29/2016
Kathmandu Creative Women(98845)Kalpana Rai (4237122)06/18/2019
Kathmandu Danfe(109456)Mahesh Acharya (3272810)04/06/2018
Kathmandu Darpan(135799)Sunita Shrestha (5369652)new
Kathmandu Gagan(147088)Govinda Dhungel (4666575)new
Kathmandu Gagan(147088)Ishwor Ghimire (4668881)new
Kathmandu Gauravshali(129280)Rajendra Sharma (3600652)03/20/2019
Kathmandu Gokarneshwor(60064)Prakash Lama (638676)04/22/2010
Kathmandu Gokarneshwor(60064)Pramod Satyal (2875340)11/13/2009
Kathmandu Gokarneshwor(60064)Pema Chhiri Sherpa (2950718)06/28/2019
Kathmandu Gokarneshwor(60064)Bishnu Bhai Shrestha (644052)10/24/2011PMJF - 2 Diamond YG03/29/2023
Kathmandu Gokarneshwor(60064)Dhruba Kumar Shrestha (2875335)05/19/2016
Kathmandu Gokarneshwor(60064)Dharma Sharan Shrestha (2875341)10/03/2018
Kathmandu Gokarneshwor(60064)Purna Bahadur Tamang (4538176)01/26/2021
Kathmandu Gokarneshwor(60064)Bimal Aryal (2875345)new
Kathmandu Green World(125005)Bal Bahadur Shrestha (4308234)03/16/2016
Kathmandu Helping Hearts(151013)Dolma Sherpa (5397128)06/17/2024
Kathmandu Helping Hearts(151013)Wongchhu Sherpa (6295877)new
Kathmandu Helping Hearts(151013)Gita Achhami (4082230)new
Kathmandu Himalayas(119923)Sujan Kumar Shrestha (1165671)02/13/2014
Kathmandu Indrasarowor(153048)Sunil Shrestha (5701045)04/11/2023
Kathmandu Infinity(137406)Madhu Sudan Sigdel (3568539)02/01/2017
Kathmandu Infinity(137406)Janardan Timilsina (5086378)03/29/2023
Kathmandu Jorpati(57925)Surendra Prakash Balay (370156)04/14/2015PMJF - 1 Diamond YG2/7/2020
Kathmandu Jorpati(57925)Deepak Kumar Bhandari (375527)03/08/2023
Kathmandu Jorpati(57925)Deepak Chapagain (3678353)08/22/2018
Kathmandu Jorpati(57925)Homa Kanta Chaulagain (2647481)07/22/2016
Kathmandu Jorpati(57925)Rajesh Kishor Shrestha (2886569)01/19/2022
Kathmandu Jorpati(57925)Kumar Raj Subedi (380919)03/31/2014
Kathmandu Jorpati(57925)Kamala Subedi (4058274)11/01/2016
Kathmandu Kalika(100341)Kalyan Kumar Adhikari (3731340)09/12/2017
Kathmandu Kalika(100341)Navaraj Bastola (627932)09/12/2017
Kathmandu Kalika(100341)Nabin Chaulagain (4244289)09/12/2017PMJF - 1 Diamond YG3/24/2022
Kathmandu Kalika(100341)Sanju Gurung (4313940)09/12/2017
Kathmandu Kalika(100341)Pramod Koirala (3879117)09/12/2017
Kathmandu Kalika(100341)Shivaram Lamsal (4463097)09/12/2017
Kathmandu Kalika(100341)Nisha Jha Sharma (4464175)09/12/2017
Kathmandu Kalika(100341)Padam Narayan Tripathi (4503697)09/12/2017
Kathmandu Laligurans(66780)Kamal Chaudhary (3601816)03/25/2016
Kathmandu Laligurans(66780)Hari Krishna Dangol (3111530)04/23/2014
Kathmandu Laligurans(66780)Sunil Dhanuka (2052715)04/01/2013
Kathmandu Laligurans(66780)Anil Man Maharjan (3111531)04/01/2014
Kathmandu Laligurans(66780)Prakash Maharjan (3600629)05/18/2016
Kathmandu Laligurans(66780)Savitri Rajbhandari (503317)04/22/2005PMJF - 1 Diamond YG1/27/2016
Kathmandu Laligurans(66780)Bhagwat Shrestha (503319)05/18/2016
Kathmandu Laligurans(66780)Jitendra K Shrestha (503320)12/28/2015
Kathmandu Laligurans(66780)Sunil B Shrestha (2052717)09/01/2009PMJF - 1 Diamond YG1/27/2016
Kathmandu Laligurans(66780)Bikash Krishna Shrestha (2703531)04/23/2014
Kathmandu Laligurans(66780)Arun Lal Shrestha (2973355)05/12/2017
Kathmandu Laligurans(66780)Gautam Das Shrestha (2977074)05/18/2016
Kathmandu Laligurans(66780)Purna Lal Shrestha (3229894)02/02/2016
Kathmandu Mahankal(61068)Biswo Ram Gorkhali (1053222)11/28/2005
Kathmandu Mahankal(61068)Nirmala Gorkhali (1053223)10/30/2009
Kathmandu Makalbari(132657)Bishnu Prasad Lamichhane (4721410)02/01/2021
Kathmandu Manahara(128266)Rajendra Dulal (4438008)09/14/2016
Kathmandu Manahara(128266)Pramod Phuyal (4272733)09/14/2016
Kathmandu Manahara(128266)Meera Pudasaini (4479977)02/08/2024
Kathmandu Manahara(128266)Shyam Pd Rupakheti (4275960)01/17/2018
Kathmandu Manahara(128266)Ramhari Sapkota (4314718)09/29/2016
Kathmandu Manahara(128266)Ishwor Prasad Sapkota (4479953)05/02/2017
Kathmandu Manahara(128266)Kusal Thapa (4479984)08/16/2019
Kathmandu Manahara(128266)Rishikesh Pudasaini (4438025)new
Kathmandu Melvin Jones(98263)Devi Prasad Bhaittachan (2603309)04/24/2007
Kathmandu Melvin Jones(98263)Gobinda Bahadur Bhandari (2603301)04/24/2007
Kathmandu Melvin Jones(98263)Basanta Kumar Bhattachan (4327067)12/21/2016
Kathmandu Melvin Jones(98263)Kamala Bhattarai (2342108)04/24/2007
Kathmandu Melvin Jones(98263)Chandra Prasad Dhakal (2603299)04/24/2007
Kathmandu Melvin Jones(98263)Binod Gauchan (4327066)02/19/2016
Kathmandu Melvin Jones(98263)Arati Gauchan Shrestha (4551512)12/06/2017
Kathmandu Melvin Jones(98263)Heman Sing Gurung (4106018)03/04/2015
Kathmandu Melvin Jones(98263)Pitamber Gurung (4870323)06/20/2019
Kathmandu Melvin Jones(98263)Bikash Gurung (5226608)09/13/2019
Kathmandu Melvin Jones(98263)Pandab Gurung (4328233)01/05/2017
Kathmandu Melvin Jones(98263)Yog Raj Kandel Sharma (4327610)02/19/2016
Kathmandu Melvin Jones(98263)Man Singh Karki (2603297)04/24/2007
Kathmandu Melvin Jones(98263)Pradeep Kumar Karki (2603298)04/24/2007
Kathmandu Melvin Jones(98263)Lal Prasad Sanwa Limbu (2355534)04/24/2007
Kathmandu Melvin Jones(98263)Madan Kumar Mahat (2603302)04/24/2007PMJF - 1 Diamond YG6/11/2019
Kathmandu Melvin Jones(98263)Bhaskar Raj Panta (2603303)04/24/2007
Kathmandu Melvin Jones(98263)Bhim Roka (2603300)04/24/2007
Kathmandu Melvin Jones(98263)Rima Sapkota (4005336)09/16/2014
Kathmandu Melvin Jones(98263)Ajay K Satyal (2603306)04/24/2007
Kathmandu Melvin Jones(98263)Fahim Shah (2603296)04/24/2007
Kathmandu Melvin Jones(98263)Ambika Sharma (1068373)09/20/2005PMJF - 2 Diamond YG8/23/2007
Kathmandu Melvin Jones(98263)Rajendra Sherchan (2603295)04/24/2007
Kathmandu Melvin Jones(98263)Bhim Prasad Sherchan (2603304)04/24/2007
Kathmandu Melvin Jones(98263)Arjun Sherchan (4106017)03/04/2015
Kathmandu Melvin Jones(98263)Krishna Shrestha (2603294)04/24/2007
Kathmandu Melvin Jones(98263)Dinesh Bhakta Shrestha (2603307)04/24/2007
Kathmandu Melvin Jones(98263)Subash Shrestha (4327065)09/07/2016
Kathmandu Melvin Jones(98263)Bal Bahadur Tamang (2603305)04/24/2007
Kathmandu Melvin Jones(98263)Ramji Upadhyay (2603308)04/24/2007PMJF - 1 Diamond YG1/27/2016
Kathmandu Melvin Jones(98263)Hansha Raj Wagle (2603310)04/24/2007
Kathmandu Melvin Jones(98263)Chhatra Raj Ojha (6159085)new
Kathmandu Melvin Jones(98263)Dilip Kumar Thapa (26785505)new
Kathmandu Mount Everest(61605)A P Mainali (332035)06/12/2006
Kathmandu Mount Gaurishankar(10656Sudarshan Acharya Nlf (2017964)02/05/2021
Kathmandu Mount Makalu(63244)Mohan Pd Sharma Lamsal (2787008)12/16/2021
Kathmandu Mount Makalu(63244)Ram Bahadur Shrestha (1117555)11/05/2002
Kathmandu Padhmashree(136978)Bhim Prasad Rokaya (5741009)11/30/2023
Kathmandu Rising Sun(89374)Shreedhar Bhandari (3139158)03/20/2024
Kathmandu Rising Sun(89374)Ramesh Kumar Lama (2422303)09/12/2017PMJF - 1 Diamond YG5/23/2024
Kathmandu Royal Himalayan(147071)Bhishma Ray (Bheshraj)-Pmjf (5181283)06/01/2023PMJF - 1 Diamond YGnew
Kathmandu Sewa(77965)Binita Pant (1885362)10/30/2009
Kathmandu Sharing Hearts(100098)Sushila Shrestha (503322)10/30/2009
Kathmandu Simrik(111664)Rakesh Maharjan (4117849)01/25/2019
Kathmandu Simrik(111664)Ashish Shrestha (3783840)02/01/2017
Kathmandu Simrik(111664)Bal Krishna Shrestha (4117861)06/30/2021
Kathmandu Skill Development(131773)Dhan Pd Lamichhane (2509311)08/09/2016
Kathmandu Skill Development(131773)Bijay Lama (5298020)new
Kathmandu Sukunda(61553)Raman M Baniya (746037)12/08/2008
Kathmandu Sukunda(61553)Tek B Engden (751416)03/15/2004
Kathmandu Sukunda(61553)Uttam Raj Kayastha (751417)11/12/2002PMJF - 1 Diamond YG1/3/2013
Kathmandu Sukunda(61553)Punam Pradhan (751423)02/20/2009
Kathmandu Sukunda(61553)Birendra Prakash Shrestha (1961560)03/20/2020
Kathmandu Sukunda(61553)Lalit Jung Lalchan (1961559)new
Kathmandu Third Eye(142013)Rajendra Koirala (4746627)02/09/2021
Kathmandu Udyamsheel(157414)Man Kumari Pun (6356475)new
Kathmandu(26071)Parmeshwar Lal Agarwal (311865)10/19/1990
Kathmandu(26071)Poonam Chand Agrawal (311866)11/19/1991
Kathmandu(26071)M D Agrawal (317231)10/19/1990
Kathmandu(26071)Om Prakash Agrawal (317233)09/11/1997
Kathmandu(26071)Maheswar Raj Baidya (317234)09/11/1997
Kathmandu(26071)Jyoti Kumar Begani (317235)09/06/1990
Kathmandu(26071)Ratan Kumar Dhurka (317240)06/07/1993
Kathmandu(26071)Navaraj Ghimire (317242)11/08/2007PMJF - 1 Diamond YG6/30/2017
Kathmandu(26071)Hulaschand Golchha (322608)09/06/1990PMJF - 2 Diamond YG7/7/1997
Kathmandu(26071)Umesh C. Jain (2242298)06/16/1978
Kathmandu(26071)K B Kayal (322611)11/08/2002
Kathmandu(26071)Naresh Khadka (4619814)11/14/2022
Kathmandu(26071)Manish Kumar Khemka (4835625)09/27/2023PMJF - 1 Diamond YG5/29/2014
Kathmandu(26071)M. A. Lari (2299201)06/16/1978
Kathmandu(26071)Charles Mendies (2242300)06/07/1989PMJF - 1 Diamond YG6/29/1989
Kathmandu(26071)Jiwan Lal Piya (327984)06/08/1993
Kathmandu(26071)Yantar Mani Pradhan (327985)11/14/1990
Kathmandu(26071)Suman Pudasaini (2722545)09/27/2016
Kathmandu(26071)Satya Pal Sachdeva (327990)12/22/1993
Kathmandu(26071)Ranjan Singh Shah (327994)11/02/2007
Kathmandu(26071)Surendra Shakya (3257739)08/06/2018
Kathmandu(26071)Anjani Kumar Sharma (333359)03/10/1994
Kathmandu(26071)Keshab Lochan Sharma (4704205)05/29/2024
Kathmandu(26071)Shyam Bahadur Shrestha (4370105)11/21/2017
Kathmandu(26071)Bimala Shrestha Piya (5663880)06/30/2023
Kathmandu(26071)Kavindra Nath Thakur (333367)11/09/1995PMJF - 1 Diamond YG11/4/2002
Kathmandu(26071)Govinda Pd Gautam (4968147)new
Sankhu(108259)Yubananda Bajracharya (3196303)11/28/2016
Sankhu(108259)Prem Prakash Prajapati (3196460)06/18/2019
Sankhu(108259)Tulsi Bahadur Shreekhanda Shrestha (3196425)08/08/2019
Sankhu(108259)Labakumar Shrestha (3196307)01/29/2016
Sindhupalchok(125760)Thakur Pd Tiwari (4237237)12/01/2016

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Childhood Cancer

Childhood Cancer

Childhood Cancer


Lion Surendra Balay

District Governer

Introducing our esteemed District 325 D
President, Surendra Prakash Balay. He is a well known leader within the Lions International, Multiple district 325. Known for his unwavering dedication and visionary approach to serving local communities.


Lion Surendra Balay

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Membership Extension

Leadership Development

District Governor

For nearly two decades, District Governor Lion Surendra Praksah Balay has been committed to giving back to his community through his work with the Lions. His entrepreneurial spirit has not only driven his success as a business leader but also as a dedicated Lion, propelling numerous ambitious projects forward and inspiring others to join in service.

With a strong sense of purpose and a consistently positive outlook, District Governor Lion Surendra Praksah Balay believes that there is a leader within every Lion. His guiding theme, “If you believe in yourself, anything is possible,” reflects his passion for the idea that each individual has the potential to make a significant and lasting impact on the world. He encourages everyone to take action and contribute to meaningful change, embodying the belief that self-confidence can turn dreams into reality.

Schooling &Workshop

Our Focus Areas

Membership Extension

Leadership Development


Brand & Marketing

Lion Mahesh Acharya
FIRST Vice District GovernOr

“Our First Vice Governor, Lion Mahesh Acharya, MJF, work closely with the cabinet officers and Club President to ensure smooth operations and the successful implementation of our district’s initiatives.”

Lion Mahesh Acharya
FIRST Vice District GovernOr

“Our First Vice Governor, Lion Mahesh Acharya, MJF, work closely with the cabinet officers and Club President to ensure smooth operations and the successful implementation of our district’s initiatives.”

Lion Yog Raj Kadel
SECOND Vice District GovernOr

“Our Second Vice President, Lion Yograj Sharma Kandel MJF, works closely with cabinet officers and the Club President to ensure smooth operations and the successful implementation of our district’s initiatives.”

Lion Rajendra Dulal

“Cabinet Secretary Rajendra Dulal acts as a vital link between the district and local Lions Clubs. He ensures effective communication, coordination, and smooth operation, aligning goals for impactful community service.”

Lion Mandar Shekhar Bandhopadhyaya

“Our esteemed Cabinet Treasure, Mandar Shekhar Bandhopadhyaya, serve as the vital link between the district and local Lions Clubs, ensuring effective communication and coordination towards our shared motto.”

Membership Extension

  • New Lions Club Extension: 15 (Fifteen)

(Seed Money support for first 10 Clubs Chartered (Rs10,000/- and Gong and gavel for a new club inside Kathmandu Valley and Rs15,000/- and Gong and gavel for a new club outside Kathmandu Valley) 

  • New Charter Members:  (15 * 20) = 300 Members

  • New Members in Existing Club = 4 Members per Active Clubs = (75 Clubs * 4 Mem) = 300 Member

  • Invitation to Old Members = 2 Members Per active Clubs = 75 * 2 = 150 Old Members

  • Total New Membership Targets = 300 + 300 + 150 = 750 Members

  • Planning of ZERO DROP Policy

  • Unexpected Drop = 300 

  • New Growth = 450 Members

  • Leo Club Extension = 5 Clubs

  • Leo Membership Extension = 150 Leo Members

  • Exercise for One Leo Club with Each Lions Club

Leadership Development Program

Lions Learning Center: Aim to have 50 members graduate from the Lions Learning Center, enhancing their skills and knowledge.

Workshops, Training, and Seminars: Encourage maximum participation across various programs designed to develop leadership skills and strengthen the organization. The targeted workshops, training, and seminars include:



Target Group


District Cabinet Officers' Schooling

All Cabinet Officers


Training of LLI Local

DG, VDGs, CS, CT, and Administrator


Club Officer's Schooling

Club PVST team


Zone/Region/Area Workshop

Zone, Region, Area, and Chief Area


Training on Lions Portal and Reporting

PVST, and Cabinet officers


Training on Lions Learning Center

All Interested Lions


Orientation for New Members

All New Lions


Leo Symposium



Family and Women Symposium

All Lady Lions


Specialty Club Seminar

Possible Lions Group


Global Action Team (GAT) Conclave

Lion Leaders


District Lions Leadership Program (DLLI)

Club President / VP / District Chairperson


Regional Lions Leadership Program (RLLI)

Emerging Lion Leaders


Advanced Lions Leadership Program (ALLI)

Senior Lions Leaders


Faculty Development Institute (FDI)

Senior Lions Leaders


Lions Certified Instructor Program (LCIP)

Senior Lions Leaders

This comprehensive Leadership Development Program is designed to cultivate strong leadership, foster collaboration, and ensure the effective functioning of the organization through continuous learning and development.

Contribution Planning

LCIF Contribution Plan We encourage each club to contribute a minimum of $50 towards the LCIF Contribution. Additionally, we request that cabinet officers, including Coordinators, Chiefs, Advisors, Deputy Coordinators, Area, Region, Zone, and District Chairpersons, also contribute at least $50 each to the Lions fund. Our overall fundraising target is $22,500, which we aim to achieve through MJF and LCIF Star contributions. This support is vital for advancing our mission and expanding our impact globally.

NLF Contribution Plan We are calling on all clubs to actively engage in the NLF Contribution Plan. Our aim is to have at least 80% of the clubs participate, with an expected total collection of Rs. 510,000 for the NLF Fund. This collective effort is crucial for the sustainability and growth of our initiatives.

The Awards and Evaluation Plan for LY 2024-2025

The Awards and Evaluation Plan for LY 2024-2025

The Awards and Evaluation Plan for the District Governor of Lions International, District 325 D for the Lion year 2024-2025 aims to recognize and incentivize exemplary performance and contributions among the clubs and members within the district. This comprehensive plan includes specific criteria for evaluation and various award categories to celebrate achievements in areas such as service impact, leadership, membership growth, financial management, and public relations.

Evaluation Criteria

The evaluation criteria are divided into essential and encouraging criteria, ensuring a holistic assessment of each club's performance:

1. Essential Criteria:

Service Involvement: Participation in service activities organized by clubs and the district, with mandatory reporting to the Lions portal.

Club Standing: Maintenance of good standing status for the club.

District Program Participation: Active involvement in district programs such as Cabinet meetings and workshops.

Timely Dues Payment: Adherence to deadlines for international, multiple, and district dues.

Financial Contributions: Prioritization of financial support for LCIF and service activities.

2. Encouraging Criteria:

Service Impact: Evaluation based on the number, quality, and community impact of service projects, as well as alignment with Lions International’s global causes.

Contributions to MJF/LCIF/NLF: Support and contributions to these funds in alignment with global causes.

Leadership: Demonstrated leadership qualities, innovation in project execution, and mentorship within the club.

Membership Growth and Engagement: Net growth in membership, retention rates, and engagement in club activities.

Collaboration and Partnership: Effective collaboration with other clubs, organizations, and local authorities.

Financial Management: Success in fundraising efforts and transparent use of funds.

Public Relations and Visibility: Efforts to promote Lions Clubs International’s mission through various media and community outreach.

Award Categories

The plan features several award categories, each recognizing specific achievements: 

1. Excellence Award:

2. Contribution and Impact Award:

3. Star of the Month Award:

4. Annual Distinction Award

1. Excellence Awards

The Excellence Awards are designed to recognize clubs and individuals who demonstrate exceptional performance in various aspects of Lions International's mission. These awards are divided into several subcategories, each highlighting specific areas of excellence:

New Club Extension: Rewards efforts in establishing new clubs, with different levels of recognition based on the number of new clubs formed.


One Club Extension

DG Medal, Certificate, Int'l Pin & Award


Two Club Extension

DG Medal, Int'l President Pin, Certificate & Award


Three and Above Club Extension

DG Medal, Int'l Medal, Certificate & Excellence Award

Membership Growth: Honors significant membership growth within clubs, acknowledging various thresholds with corresponding awards.


Min 4 members growth

Mission 1.5 Pin, DG Medal, Certificate & Award


Up to 8 members growth

Mission 1.5 Pin, ID Pin, DG Medal, Int'l President Pin, Certificate & Award


9 and above members

Mission 1.5 Pin, ID Pin, DG Medal, Int'l President Pin, Certificate & Excellence Award

LCIF Project Approval: Recognizes clubs that secure approval for LCIF projects, highlighting their contribution to global causes. 


Any LCIF Project Approval

DG Medal, Int'l President Pin, Certificate & Excellence Award

Financial Management: Acknowledges clubs that exhibit exemplary financial management, particularly in timely dues payment and financial contributions to district and multiple initiatives. 


District & Multiple dues clearance before July 15, and before December 15 (Only for Club Treasures)

Mission 1.5 Pin, DG Medal, Certificate & Award


Annual District & Multiple dues clearance within July

Mission 1.5 Pin, ID Pin, DG Medal, Int'l President Pin, Certificate & Excellence Award

2. Contribution and Impact Awards

The Contribution and Impact Awards celebrate significant financial contributions and impactful service activities:

LCIF Contribution: Recognizes varying levels of financial support to the Lions Clubs International Foundation, from partial contributions to major donations (MJF/PMJF).


$ 50 and above LCIF Contribution



MJF Partial Contribution

DG Medal, Int'l President Pin and  Certificate 


MJF / PMJF Contribution ($1000)

LCIF Pin, Plaque, DG Medal, Int'l President Pin, and Certificate 


3 and above MJF / PMJF from a Club

LCIF Pin, Plaque, DG Medal, Int'l President Pin, and Certificate

& Excellence Award for Club President

NLF Contribution: Honors substantial contributions to the National Lions Foundation, with specific awards for different contribution levels.


Min. Rs. 5100 and above NLF Contribution

Pin, Certificate 


Min. Rs. 25000 and above NLF Contribution

Pin, Certificate, Plaque, Gold Award


Min. Rs. 50000 and above NLF Contribution

Pin, Certificate, Plaque, Diamond Award


Min. Rs. 75000 and above NLF Contribution

Pin, Certificate, Plaque, and Platinum Award


Min. Rs. 100000 and above NLF Contribution

Pin, Certificate, Plaque, and Titanium Award

3. Star of the Month Awards

The Star of the Month Awards highlight outstanding performance on a monthly basis:

Best President: Acknowledges the top-performing club president each month.

Best Zone/Region/Area: Recognizes the best-performing zones, regions, or areas.

Best Cabinet Officer: Honors the cabinet officer who demonstrates exceptional leadership and contribution.


Best President

Award / Certificate


Best Zone / Region/ Area

Award / Certificate


Best Cabinet Officer

Award / Certificate

4. Annual Distinction Awards

The Annual Distinction Awards celebrate the most outstanding performers of the year in various roles:

Best Treasurer of the Year: Recognizes the treasurer who has shown exceptional financial management and contribution.

Best Secretary of the Year: Honors the secretary who has excelled in administrative duties and support.

Best President of the Year: Acknowledges the president with the most outstanding leadership and club performance.

Best Club of the Year: Recognizes the club that has shown overall excellence in various criteria.

Best District Chairperson: Recognizes the district chairperson or deputy district chairperson for their exemplary contributions and exceptional performance in their designated roles.

Best ZC / Region / Area of the Year: Celebrates the zone/ region chairperson, and area/ chief area who has made significant contributions to their designated roles.

Best Leo President of the Year: Honors the Leo president with outstanding leadership and service.

Outstanding Cabinet Officer of the Year: Recognizes the cabinet officers who have shown exceptional dedication and impact. The top 10 best-performing individuals will be honored. 

Believe in Yourself "Lions of the Year": A special award celebrating the most inspiring and impactful Lion of the year. 


Best Treasurer of the Year

Award, Medal, and  Certificate


Best Secretary of the Year

Award, Medal, and  Certificate


Best President of the Year

Award, Medal, and  Certificate


Best Club of the Year

Award, Medal, and  Certificate


Best District Chairperson  of the Year

Award, Medal, and  Certificate


Best ZC of the Year

Award, Medal, and  Certificate


Best Leo President of the Year

Award, Medal, and  Certificate


Outstanding Cabinet Officer of the year

Award, Medal, and  Certificate


Believe in Yourself "Lions of the Year"

Award, Medal, and  Certificate

Evaluation and Award Recommendation Committee

The evaluation and award recommendation process is overseen by a committee comprising the following members:




1st VDG Lion Mahesh Acharya

Deputy Coordinator

2nd VDG Lion Yog Raj Kandel Sharma


- Chief Marketing Chairperson


- Chief Administrator


- Chief Area Coordinator


- Past District Governor Lion Bishnu Bhai Shrestha


- Past District Governor Lion Kumar Raj Subedi


- Past District Governor Lion Uttam Raj Kayastha


- Past District Governor Lion MD Agrawal

Note: The committee is committed to fair and transparent evaluation, ensuring all aspects of club and individual performance are considered. Numeric evaluation criteria may be developed to further enhance transparency and fairness in the assessment process.

This structured awards program not only encourages excellence but also fosters a culture of recognition and motivation within the Lions community.

International, District and Multiple Bank Details

Separate bank accounts will be maintained for International dues, District & Multiple dues, and LCIF/NLF contribution deposits. When depositing dues, the deposit slip must include the following details:

  • Club's Name

  • Club Number

  • Depositor's Name

  • Depositor's Contact Number

Additionally, a digital copy of the deposit slip should be sent to the District Cabinet Treasurer and the immediate reporting layer for proper documentation and record-keeping.

International Dues

Charter fee (Membership in new club / Per Member)

US $ 35.00

For New Lions Member Entrance Fee

US $ 35.00

Annual Dues (Per Memner)

US $ 48.00

Good Standing Transfer as a Charter Member to New Club (Per Member)

US $ 20.00

Life Membership Fees:

(A life member is a lion who has maintained active membership for at least 20 years, or at least 15 years if the member has reached age 70. Life membership may also granted to a Lion who is Critically ill.)

US $ 650.00

Annual Dues for Family members (Per Member)

US $ 24.00

Annual Dues for Student Members (Per Member)

US $ 24.00

Annual Dues for Leo-Lions Member (Below 30)

US $ 24.00

Status Quo Reactivation Fee (Per Member)

US $ 5.00

Bank Account Details for International Dues

Bank A/c no: 00101010297301

A/c Holder Name: The International Association of Lions Clubs

Bank Name: Nepal Investment Mega Bank Ltd.,

Branch: Durbar Marg, Kathmandu

District / Multiple Dues

District Annual Dues (Per Member)

Rs. 600.00

New Member Entrance Fee

Rs. 100.00

Multiple District Annual Dues (Per New Member)

Rs. 200.00

National Lions Fund (Per Member)

Rs. 100.00

Disaster Management Fund (Per Member)

Rs. 365.00

Total District / Multiple Dues (Per New Member)

Rs. 1365.00

Total District / Multiple Dues (Per Existing Member)

Rs. 1265.00

Bank Account Details for District & Multiple Dues

Bank A/c no: 25501050002233

A/c Holder Name: Lions Clubs International District 325D Nepal

Bank Name: Nepal Investment Mega Bank Ltd.,

Branch: Jorpati, Kathmandu

Bank Account Details for Nepal Lions Foundation (NLF)

Bank A/c no: 25501050002356

A/c Holder Name: Lions Clubs International District 325D NLF

Bank Name: Nepal Investment Mega Bank Ltd.,

Branch: Jorpati, Kathmandu

Bank Account Details for Building Fund

Bank A/c no: 25501050002349

A/c Holder Name: Lions Clubs International District 325D Building Fund

Bank Name: Nepal Investment Mega Bank Ltd.,

Branch: Jorpati, Kathmandu



Fellowship Program

The Fellowship Program aims to foster camaraderie and promote a healthy lifestyle among Lions members through various recreational and sporting events. The planned activities include:

  • Cycling for Health Program: A day-long cycling event open to both Lions and non-Lions, promoting health and fitness.

  • Changa Chet Program: A competition inviting participation from all clubs and Lions, encouraging engagement and friendly competition.

  • Cricket Tournament: A cricket tournament exclusively for Lions, enhancing team spirit and sportsmanship.

  • Futsal Program: A futsal tournament for clubs within the district, fostering inter-club relationships.

  • Nature Walks: Short hiking trips designed for Lions members to build strong bonds while enjoying nature.

These events are intended to strengthen the fellowship among members, promote physical well-being, and enhance the sense of community within the district.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I join Lions?

The first thing to do is to contact your local club, you can search via Find-a-Club or fill out “Join” form and we will connect you up . The next thing is to take your time. Attend a few club meetings, find out about the work of the club and meet the members. Hopefully you will have a long and happy association with Lions, so you need to make sure that the club will work for you. If things work out, you will receive an invitation to join.

What does a Lions Club actually do?

All Lions Clubs subscribe to our Code of Ethics, and are part of an International Organisation, but set their own program independently. They can support projects that are operated at an international, national and district level – and can create and operate their own projects. You can browse the our website to find out some information about these projects. We all know that we work best at the things we love to do, so an important question to ask the club members is “what projects do you do?” and “who do you help”.
If you have a passion for a project, there is no reason why you can’t try to persuade your Lions Club to support it.

How much time is involved?

Lions is a “Community Service” organisation. One of our motto’s is that we “make things happen”. Local achievements are always satisfying and that’s why we volunteer.
This means that we DO want our members to participate in meetings and their fair share of community service activities. Lions say that family comes first, then work, and then the Lions Club. Of course you need to think about your capacity to participate, but for most of us, a couple of hours of television time traded for community service is a worthwhile experience.

Where does Lions Membership Fees go?

Any volunteer organisation needs to provide services and support to its volunteers – training, insurance, promotional materials and the like. As a democratic organisation, we also have some costs associated with our decision-making processes at International, National and local levels. Did you know that when a member of the public donates money to their local Lions Club, every cent goes to where it was promised? The club doesn’t take even 1%. Compare that with other organizations.
Lions are immensely proud of the fact that we don’t take public donations to cover our operating costs – and its one of the reasons for our reputation in the community.
That’s why members pay a small amount in dues.
District Cabinet officers’ Installation and First Regular District Cabinet Meeting

District Cabinet officers’ Installation and First Regular District Cabinet Meeting

District Cabinet officers' Installation and First Regular District Cabinet Meeting Lions District 325 D recently held a significant event to install the District Cabinet officers, marking the start of a new leadership term committed to community service and growth. This special occasion brought together Lions members, leaders, and distinguished guests…
LCIF Workshop

LCIF Workshop

LCIF Workshop Lions District 325 D recently organized the LCIF Workshop, a meaningful event aimed at empowering members with comprehensive insights into LCIF. This workshop provided a platform for members to deepen their understanding of LCIF’s core programs, including grant opportunities that help address critical local and global needs. The…
Governor’s cup | Futsal Tournament-2081

Governor’s cup | Futsal Tournament-2081

Governors Cup | Futsal Tournament-2081 "Governors Cup | Futsal Tournament 2081", organized by Lions District 325 D, was a vibrant event that celebrated teamwork, sportsmanship, and community spirit. Held with the aim of promoting health and fostering friendly competition, the tournament gathered talented futsal teams from across district 325 D.…
District Cabinet officers' Installation and First Regular District Cabinet Meeting
District Cabinet officers' Installation and First Regular District Cabinet Meeting
District Cabinet officers’ Installation and First Regular District Cabinet Meeting Lions...
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LCIF Workshop
LCIF Workshop
LCIF Workshop Lions District 325 D recently organized the LCIF Workshop,...
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Governor's cup | Futsal Tournament-2081
Governor's cup | Futsal Tournament-2081
Governors Cup | Futsal Tournament-2081 “Governors Cup | Futsal Tournament...
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Cabinet Officers' Schooling
Cabinet Officers' Schooling
Cabinet Officers’ Schooling Lions District 325 D recently conducted an...
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Schooling & Workshop
Schooling & Workshop
Schooling & Workshop Lions District 325 D recently organized a comprehensive...
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PDG Honoring and Fellowship Program
PDG Honoring and Fellowship Program
PDG Honoring and Fellowship Program Lions District 325 D recently held a heartfelt event titled “PDG...
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Jorpati Lions Academy
Jorpati Lions Academy
Jorpati Lions Academy Jorpati Lions Academy is a service oriented educational...
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Eye Hospital: Dolkha
Eye Hospital: Dolkha
Eye Hospital: Dolakha The Dolakha Lions Eye Center, located in Bhimeshwor Municipality...
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Eye Hospital: Tinkune, Kathmandu
Eye Hospital: Tinkune, Kathmandu
Eye Hospital: Tinkune In 1981, a national survey revealed that many people in...
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Kidney Dialysis Center: Stupa Hospital
Kidney Dialysis Center: Stupa Hospital
Kidney Dialysis Center: Stupa Hospital We are thrilled to announce the establishment...
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District Cabinet officers' Installation and First Regular District Cabinet Meeting
District Cabinet officers’ Installation and First Regular District Cabinet Meeting Lions...
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LCIF Workshop
LCIF Workshop Lions District 325 D recently organized the LCIF Workshop,...
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Governor's cup | Futsal Tournament-2081
Governors Cup | Futsal Tournament-2081 “Governors Cup | Futsal Tournament...
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Cabinet Officers' Schooling
Cabinet Officers’ Schooling Lions District 325 D recently conducted an...
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Schooling & Workshop
Schooling & Workshop Lions District 325 D recently organized a comprehensive...
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PDG Honoring and Fellowship Program
PDG Honoring and Fellowship Program Lions District 325 D recently held a heartfelt event titled “PDG...
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Jorpati Lions Academy
Jorpati Lions Academy Jorpati Lions Academy is a service oriented educational...
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Eye Hospital: Dolkha
Eye Hospital: Dolakha The Dolakha Lions Eye Center, located in Bhimeshwor Municipality...
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lions 10
Eye Hospital: Tinkune, Kathmandu
Eye Hospital: Tinkune In 1981, a national survey revealed that many people in...
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Kidney Dialysis Center: Stupa Hospital
Kidney Dialysis Center: Stupa Hospital We are thrilled to announce the establishment...
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Our Focus Areas

Membership Extension

Leadership Development


Brand & Marketing

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Frequently Asked Question

How can I join Lions?

The first thing to do is to contact your local club, you can search via Find-a-Club or fill out “Join” form and we will connect you up . The next thing is to take your time. Attend a few club meetings, find out about the work of the club and meet the members. Hopefully you will have a long and happy association with Lions, so you need to make sure that the club will work for you. If things work out, you will receive an invitation to join.

What does a Lions Club actually do?

All Lions Clubs subscribe to our Code of Ethics, and are part of an International Organisation, but set their own program independently. They can support projects that are operated at an international, national and district level – and can create and operate their own projects. You can browse the our website to find out some information about these projects. We all know that we work best at the things we love to do, so an important question to ask the club members is “what projects do you do?” and “who do you help”.
If you have a passion for a project, there is no reason why you can’t try to persuade your Lions Club to support it.

How much time is involved?

Lions is a “Community Service” organisation. One of our motto’s is that we “make things happen”. Local achievements are always satisfying and that’s why we volunteer.
This means that we DO want our members to participate in meetings and their fair share of community service activities. Lions say that family comes first, then work, and then the Lions Club. Of course you need to think about your capacity to participate, but for most of us, a couple of hours of television time traded for community service is a worthwhile experience.

Where does Lions Membership Fees go?

Any volunteer organisation needs to provide services and support to its volunteers – training, insurance, promotional materials and the like. As a democratic organisation, we also have some costs associated with our decision-making processes at International, National and local levels. Did you know that when a member of the public donates money to their local Lions Club, every cent goes to where it was promised? The club doesn’t take even 1%. Compare that with other organizations.
Lions are immensely proud of the fact that we don’t take public donations to cover our operating costs – and its one of the reasons for our reputation in the community.
That’s why members pay a small amount in dues.

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Target Group


District Cabinet Officers’ Schooling

All Cabinet Officers


Training of LLI Local

DG, VDGs, CS, CT, and Administrator


Club Officers’ Schooling

Club PVST team


Zone/Region/Area Workshop

Zone, Region, Area, and Chief Area


Training on Lions Portal and Reporting

PVST, and Cabinet officers


Training on Lions Learning Center

All Interested Lions


Orientation for New Members

All New Lions


Leo Symposium



Family and Women Symposium

All Lady Lions


Specialty Club Seminar

Possible Lions Group


Global Action Team (GAT) Conclave

Lion Leaders


District Lions Leadership Institute (DLLI)

Club President / VP / District Chairperson


Regional Lions Leadership Institute (RLLI)

Emerging Lion Leaders


Advanced Lions Leadership Institute (ALLI)

Senior Lions Leaders


Faculty Development Institute (FDI)

Senior Lions Leaders


Lions Certified Instructor Program (LCIP)

Senior Lions Leaders

Fellowship Program

The Fellowship Program aims to foster camaraderie and promote a healthy lifestyle among Lions members through various recreational and sporting events. The planned activities include:

Cycling for Health Program: A day-long cycling event open to both Lions and non-Lions, promoting health and fitness.

Changa Chet Program: A competition inviting participation from all clubs and Lions, encouraging engagement and friendly competition.

Cricket Tournament: A cricket tournament exclusively for Lions, enhancing team spirit and sportsmanship.

Futsal Tournament: A futsal tournament for clubs within the district, fostering inter-club relationships.

Nature Walks: Short hiking trips designed for Lions members to build strong bonds while enjoying nature.

These events are intended to strengthen the fellowship among members, promote physical well-being, and enhance the sense of community within the District.